Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Very Long Week...

Have you ever had one of those weeks that just seems to keep going on and on and on?  That is how this week is going for me.  It is Wednesday night, but it feels like it should be Friday night already.  Now, this could be because I just really want it to be the weekend, so I can have a morning to sleep in.  But I really just think that it's one of those never ending weeks.

This week I have been working on several projects, one of which is for my adorable niece.  A while back I decided to do Madeline's name for her room, and just recently received the wood letters in the mail for it.  So I have started to pick out papers and patterns to use in the colors of light greens, pale yellows and light pinks.  I am hoping to have it done before I head home in two weeks to Washington State for vacation.  When it's all finished I'll post some pictures of it for all to see :)

The other projects have been coasters for my website and also a set of coasters for a give away on my facebook fan page.  The non-craft projects where cleaning my studio apartment and working on organizing all of my supplies.  I always seem to be organizing.  I will have everything neat and tidy and looking great.  And then two days later it's on the road to chaos again... I really hope I'm not the only like this... hahaha :)

Today I supervised a splatter paint project with the kids this afternoon, which turned into the kids painting themselves... hahahaha :)  When I say painting themselves, I mean really painting all over their bodies... faces, legs, arms, hands, bottom of their feet... there was no way they were walking in the house that way!  Caroline, who is 15, cleaned off her feet and hands before going in the house, but Jonny had to jump in the pool to really scrub his feet and hands before heading in the house.  It really was quite a sight!

That's it for now... and the long week continues.  I hope for you all it has been a short and fast one though :)

~Jennifer :)

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