Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Tiny Space...

It's been a miserable day today, tons of rain and now it's super duper humid outside. So, I decided that since I have done all my errands and chores for the family I work for, I would work on my living space. I am not sure if I have mentioned this before, but I am a live in nanny and have a small studio/apartment in the family's house. I feel like I am constantly cleaning and tidying up stuff. My boyfriend thinks it's because I have too much stuff in a too small of a space. And I am thinking that he is right. The space was good when I started working 8 years ago, and held everything nicely and neatly. Over those 8 years though, I have accumulated more furniture, started a craft business and got 2 cats. So, in order to solve my space problem, I am going to start a major cleaning project. Drawers will be gone through, closet will be emptied, magazines tossed, and anything I haven't touched in months will be gotten rid of! Or at least that is the plan... hahaha :) There is one other reason I need to do an over haul cleaning of my area... my boyfriend might be staying with me for a little while he looks for a new apartment or house. I, or should I say we, will need all the free space I can muster up in my tiny area.

So, with that said, I am off to do a little cleaning before heading out to pick up kids. I hope you have a fabulous day and wish you tons of smiles :)

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