Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Too Hot to Be Out

If you are living here on the east coast this week, you are probably trying to survive the heat just like I am. I moved here about 9 years ago from Shelton, WA and am still not use to the summer out here. I know this heat is not all that normal, but it is nothing like the weather I am use to and miss.

So, in trying to stay away from the heat I have been working on up-dating my Etsy page and my own website. Many new items have been added (that took a ton of time) and I was reminded why I was putting it off... hahaha :) I also worked on a present for the girl I am a nanny for. Caroline is turning 15 this coming weekend. She is a very talented artist and is looking to going off to college in a few years to get a degree in art. Caroline is also an amazing photographer. She doubts her abilities sometimes and feels she should know the ins and outs of her camera in order to take good photos. I keep telling her that anyone can know everything about their camera and take a decent picture, but it's the person that has the creative eye that takes a great photo even when they don't know much about their camera. This leads me to her birthday gift...

I felt that if Caroline saw her photos printed in a book that she would see how good she is at photography. So I went in search of an online publishing site and I found It has a free program to download to allow you to design your book with different fonts, colors, layouts, themes and so on. It's great! I asked Caroline to send me 40-50 of her favorite photos she has taken. I put them together in a coffee photo book for her.

I was going to keep it as a surprise for her, but just couldn't and had to tell her why I asked for all the photos. Her face completely lit up and she was/is so excited about it. Even though she won't have the book for a week and a half she said "Wow, it's like I'm a real published artist!" That is exactly the response I was looking for. I know she is an extremely talented girl and that talent is going to take her far, I just hope her confidence in her talent keeps growing.

I have included some of her photos on here to share with you all.

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