Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Photos of back home

I finally downloaded my photos from my vacation back home to Washington State.  Here are a few of my beautiful home state and a couple of my family.  Hope you enjoy :)

my super cute niece Madeline "Maddie"
A very happy Maddie :)
A picnic out on the boat in Seattle (my mom, Maddie, my sister Nicole (maddie's mom) and my brother-in-law Jason)
Sunset out on the water
Mt. Rainer as seen from I-5 on the way home to Shelton, WA
I just love this photo :)  It's an outside table at The Robin Hood in Union, WA
A sleeping grandmother and grand-baby :)
Oakland Bay, right outside my grandma's house :)

So those are a few photos from my trip home.  I hope you enjoyed them.  I really can't wait to go back home for Christmas in a few months.  Have a fabulous rest of the day!

~Jennifer :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Give-away on Facebook!!

I almost forgot to mention, I am having a give-away on Laughing Taffy Designs Facebook page.  This time around I am asking people to post photos on the page of their most creative project they have done.  On Sunday the best photo will win a custom frame :)  Good luck to those that enter!

A link to Laughing Taffy Designs Facebook page.

~Jennifer :)

The school year and craft shows have started!

It has been over a month since I last wrote anything, but I'll catch you all up on what's been going on!  Back on Aug. 8th I took 10 days off and went home to Washington State to visit my family and take a much needed break.  I had a fabulous time back home seeing my family and my absolutely adorable niece!  I was also able to finally give my sister and brother-in-law the gift I have been working on for Madeline's room, her name to hang on her bedroom wall.  It was a great visit and I can't wait to go back in December for Christmas :)

When I got back from vacation the family also got back from their trip to Maine, which meant there was no down time for me.  The kids' summer camps were all done,  so I had them all day to entertain.  I wish it had been them entertaining me instead of the other way around... hahaha :)  But it was nice to have them back in the house.  I tend to get a little bored during the week when they are all gone on vacation.  We had a lot to do though to get ready for their new school year.  They had to finish doing their summer reading, get their school supplies, make sure their uniforms fit and most of all, just enjoy their last few weeks of summer break :)

The family did have something very exciting to look forward to though in the weeks before school, they were going to be having a new addition to the family.  No, the new addition wasn't going to be a baby, the new addition was an exchange student from Austria that will be staying with the family for 10 months.  Her name is Kerstin and she is fitting in with the family just fine and adjusting to the American culture.  I am sure that I will be sharing more about her throughout the coming school year.

Ah, the school  year, yes that has started and I now realize why my mom was so happy for it to start in the fall! :)  It's so nice to not have someone saying "What can I do?", "What are we doing?" and all those questions that have answers that after awhile the kids no longer like... hahaha :)  But with the school year has some the sports and clubs and tons of driving.  So when 3pm comes around driving becomes my main job.  Trying to juggle all the schedules so kids get picked up and dropped off in time becomes crazy at times and I don't know if it will all work out, but some how it does, and I am always surprised :)

Finally, the craft show season is in full swing.  I participated in the Upper Providence Community Day this past Saturday and had a lot of fun.  I loved meeting new people and talking to them about my craft.  I also talked to a mother who had bought a bulletin board from me a year ago for her daughter and she still loves it.  That always makes me smile when I hear that my pieces are still bringing joy to those that bought them :)  On October 3rd, I'll be at the Malvern Fall Festival of the Arts and Paws in the Park.  That will be a long day, but also a ton of fun.  I am really looking forward to it!
Photo of my booth at the Lower Providence Community Day
Photo of my booth at the Lower Providence Community Day
 Okay, I think that's all for now.  It's time to return to my job duties and also to take some photos of new pieces to add to my website.  I hope you all had a wonderful end to the summer!  Fall is almost here and I am looking forward to the leaves changing color and the nice cool, crisp air :)  Be well and always dream Big!

~Jennifer :)