Thursday, April 8, 2010

Trials and Errors of a New Project...

Can one ever start and try a new project and have it come out perfect? Have a piece of work turn out how they see it in their head? My answer to these questions is usually yes, but today it is a loud NO! Hahahaha

I typically use paper on wood or paper on paper for my projects and love how they turn out. Recently I decided to try something new. I went out and got some canvas with the idea that I would paint or ink them and then apply different papers, images and mediums on top creating a collage. The first two I did with ink and I liked them, but felt they could be better. The third one I just finished, I had such high hopes for. I painted the canvas three different colors with a glaze, then applied a patterned paper on top with butterflies cut out so the painted canvas showed through. It was looking good... But then I had to go and put mod podge over the top... that was my mistake. The canvas stretched too much from being overly damp and having the paper pushed down on it which caused there to be air bubbles under the paper. I was able to push most of the bubbles out, but some are there forever. Should I just say that the bubbles add character? Are part of the design to give the piece texture? Or should I just call it a mistake? I haven't decided yet what to call them... hahahaha.

Here is my question that I'm putting out there... had I just attached the paper with a permanent spray glue and then sprayed a latex sealer over the top of that, would it have been enough to keep the paper in place and protect it? Any answers or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :)

Here's a photo of the finished work. The flower is a combination of paper and fabric and the stem is felt, both are from Prima. Let me know what you think...

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