Monday, April 12, 2010

First Big Craft Show... What have I gotten myself into??

So my life has become consumed with getting ready for the Malvern Blooms: Home and Garden show. This is my first big craft show and my first juried show, so to say that I am nervous about it, is an understatement! :) I was so happy and excited to get accepted, and still am super excited about it, but the nerves are setting in and the cost of everything I need for my booth area is adding up. I knew I would need major things like a tent, table and shelves, those were costs that I expected. It is the little things that are adding up... a display rack for my gift tags, table clothes, extra decorations, and so on.

Now there is the task of setting it up and making it look welcoming. This coming weekend, the little boy I nanny for and my boyfriend are going to help me do a mock set up of my booth. A nice run through of how the tent is set up and how it's all going to look will be nice. I think it will also help calm my nerves come show day on April 25th. I have been looking online constantly at other peoples booths, how they set them up, what they did to set theirs' apart, and so on. There are a ton of wonderful booths out there, and when the show is done, I am hoping that mine will be one of them.

So far, this is my check list of things that I need to remember for the show: tent, sides to tent, table, shelves, items to sell (can't forget those... hahaha), table cloth, decorating elements, money for change, tape, calculator, scissors, change box, twine, sign, hooks, sales receipt booklet, email sign up list, business cards, water, snacks, paper bags for sales... and that's all I have on the list right now. Is there anything that I am missing or should have with me? Does anyone have any suggestions? Because I am really open to them right now... hahahaha :)

Below is a picture of what my new sign looks like. Bearcengic on Etsy did a fabulous job in designing it for me and I think it's going to look wonderful in my new booth!

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