Friday, June 25, 2010

The Evils of the Internet...

So usually I tell you about my fabulous mom and sisters or my absolutely adorable niece or what new project I am working on, but not today. This is going to be a short and sweet complaint about the internet... hahaha.

For the past weekend the family I work for has been gone on vacation and I have been left in charge of the house, dogs and parrot, which I am totally cool with. But something always happens when they go on vacation, the basement floods (has happened several times), something stops working and so on. And this time it was no different. This week the internet at the house has stopped working, which isn't such a huge deal until it's time to pay the bills on time and emails from costumers need to be responded to. Normally I would have taken care of it, but Comcast (I really don't like them) will only let the home owner schedule an appointment for service... so so annoying! I have dealt with all kinds of emergencies for the family, but the internet goes down and I am completely helpless to help them... go figure.

Luckily, part of the family is coming home today and the mom will be able to schedule an appointment to get everything fixed.

Now you might be asking yourself, where is she blogging from then, well I am at my boyfriend's apartment using his internet connection. It's cool here, his cats keep me company and I don't have to worry about someone looking over my shoulder at my personal information or my snacking issues like I would if I was at a cafe or bookstore.

So, with that rant done, I leave you in a much better mood, but still wishing I didn't rely on the internet so much... hahaha :)

~Jennifer :)

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